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Trina Solar spends 16 billion yuan on wafers from Shuangliang Eco-Energy

In a statement on Monday, Shuangliang Eco-Energy, a solar PV material provider, said that the company has secured a mono wafer purchase agreement to supply 1.89 billion wafers to Trina Solar from 2022 to 2024.

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Based on the average price of 210 mm mono wafers calculated by Solarbe Consulting, the total contract amount is estimated to be about 16 billion yuan with taxes.

Shuangliang began manufacturing large-format mono wafers last year. The 16 billion contract proves that the G12 wafer is favored by customers and the market.

Trina Solar has recently supplied the first batch of Vertex 670W ultra-high efficiency modules to German company Schoenergie for its project in Ahlen.

Volker Schöler, General Manager of Schoenergie, said that the testing and installation of the first batch of modules went as smoothly as expected, and that Trina Solar’s Vertex modules have high system value.

Gonzalo de la Viña, Head of Europe for Trina Solar, said that the company is proud that the Vertex modules with the highest power output have gained positive feedback from customers. As an industry leader, Trina Solar will continue its innovation to meet customer’s needs and assist the energy transition in Europe.

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