9.4 C

Sungrow Hydrogen holds the 1st place in China for hydrogen electrolyzer market share!

According to the data TrendBank, a research and consulting company for hydrogen fuel cell and green hydrogen Industry, released in July, the bid-winning scale in China market 2024 H1 for water electrolysis hydrogen production equipment (public tender) is 456.68 MW while that is roughly 200 MW for private tender. Sungrow Hydrogen ranked No.1 in the bid-winning list (private tender included) with 22% market share, leading the industry.

Sungrow Hydrogen achieved remarkable achievements in 2024 H1, won tenders for multiple key projects including CEEC’s Songyuan Hydrogen Energy Industrial Park project and etc., as well as other private tenders. The overall bid-winning scale exceeds a hundred megawatts. Products that will be supplied for these projects by Sungrow Hydrogen includes both ALK and PEM water electrolysis equipment and other hydrogen production supporting equipment. Sungrow Hydrogen is now highly favored by numerous clients in China with its diverse products, excellent product performance and substantial capacity in systemic problem-solving.

2024 H1 electrolyzer market share in China (private tender included)
Source: TrendBank consulting

The competitive landscape of the electrolyzer market is constantly changing while Sungrow Hydrogen is in a leading position all along. In terms of the report Trendbank consulting released last year, Sungrow Hydrogen ranked top in the 2023 market share ranking of electrolyzer maker in China. 6 months later, Sungrow Hydrogen has taken the No.1 in the ranking and has basically established its leading position in the electrolysis water hydrogen production equipment industry.

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