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Trina Solar ships 600W+ series Vertex modules for a 850 MWp PV project, one of the largest in Brazil

Trina Solar is the major vendor of photovoltaic modules for the Futura 1 Project, a project with 22 solar energy parks, which is being...

Ultra-high power module an inevitable trend: Trina Solar

On July 21, the Symposium on Advanced Photovoltaic Technologies and Trends was held in Beijing. Cao Bo, Executive Vice President of Trina Solar, said...

Ultra-high power module an inevitable trend: Trina Solar

On July 21, the Symposium on Advanced Photovoltaic Technologies and Trends was held in Beijing. Cao Bo, Executive Vice President of Trina Solar, said...

Trina Solar’s 210 Vertex Super Factory

On December 9, 2020, during the annual meeting of China Photovoltaic Industry Association held in Yiwu, East China’s Zhejiang Province, Trina Solar unveiled its...

Week in China: Trina Solar achieved new record efficiency of 23.03% and released new 510 W Vertex module

Chinese module maker Trina Solar has recently announced to have achieved a power conversion efficiency of 23.03% for a monocrystalline p-type module based on...

Trina Solar Introduces the 670W Vertex Module With an Efficiency of 21.6%, Marking the Unstoppable Trend of 600W+

At the PV Module Tech Conference on March 11, 2021, Trina Solar Co., Ltd. ("Trina Solar") officially unveiled a new generation of ultra-high power...

Trina Solar Launches 405W+ Vertex S Module Series with an Expected Capacity of 15GW in 2023

On November 3, 2020, Trina Solar, a leading global PV and smart energy solution provider, announced the launch of Vertex S, the latest in...

TrinaTracker Completed the Delivery of Trackers for Gao’an 30MW Fishery-solar Plant

Recently, TrinaTracker completed the delivery of the tracker system for the 30MW fishery-solar plant in Gao'an. The project is located in Xiangfu Town, Gao'an...

Leading Solar Companies Respond to Price Increase in PV Modules

On February 25th, the market observed that several leading PV companies have raised their module prices. The business leader at LONGi Green Energy told reporters that...

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