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PVPMC CHINA 2023 Call for Papers open

Recently, the official website of PVPMC made an announcement on their website, heralding the arrival of PVPMC CHINA 2023. This announcement marks the commencement of preparations for what promises to be a groundbreaking gathering of PV experts and enthusiasts.

A screenshot of the PVPMC website

Initiated by Sandia National Laboratories, PVPMC is a collaborative initiative that unites dedicated PV professionals with a shared goal: to enhance the precision and technical rigor of PV performance models and analyses. These models play a pivotal role in evaluating the current performance of PV systems and projecting the future energy output of PV generation projects.

Countdown Began for PVPMC CHINA 2023

PVPMC’s journey began in the United States and expanded its horizons to China in 2017, thanks to fruitful collaborations with Fraunhofer ISE and the Harbin Institute of Technology. Over the years, PVPMC CHINA has organized four successful workshops, drawing participants not only for technical discussions but also for engaging visits to Chinese PV enterprises.

PVPMC CHINA 2023, the highly anticipated PV Performance Modeling and Monitoring Workshop, is scheduled to take place on November 11-12, 2023. This prestigious event promises to gather leading experts and professionals from across the globe to exchange the latest insights and innovations in photovoltaic (PV) performance modeling and monitoring technologies.

Call for papers open for PVPMC CHINA 2023

Call for Papers: Shape the Future of PV Modeling

The PVPMC CHINA 2023 workshop invites scholars and experts from academia and industry to actively participate by submitting abstracts for consideration. The workshop will cover a wide array of topics related to PV performance modeling and monitoring, including:

  • China’s solar energy resource data and its uncertainty.
  • Prediction and modeling of PV grid-connected power generation systems.
  • Application of photovoltaic modeling with updates on modeling tools.
  • Pollution research and modeling methods.
  • The application of new-generation PV system technology in power electronic inverters, tracking systems, and magnetic pole monitoring.
  • On-site testing, inspiration, and research on long-term working methods in power plants.
  • Modeling technology for next-generation modules, including intelligent modules, double-sided, and other new technologies.
  • Modular methods, such as distributed PV power generation and energy storage.
  • PV power generation and energy storage.
  • Multi-energy complementary smart grid models.

Join the Movement: Submit Your Papers

Abstracts should include essential details such as the title, primary author, co-authors, objectives and methodologies, scientific innovation, and significance in addressing challenges. Submissions can be in English or bilingual in Chinese and English, with a format of Word or PDF and not exceeding 2 pages (A4).

Two submission methods are available:

Important Dates to Remember

  • Submission Deadline: September 30, 2023.
  • Acceptance Notification: October 18, 2023.

Shaping the Future of PV Modeling and Monitoring

PVPMC CHINA 2023 promises to be a pivotal event that shapes the future of PV performance modeling and monitoring. As participants and contributors, you have the opportunity to influence the direction of the PV industry and advance the accuracy of PV performance models. Join us in this journey towards a more sustainable and prosperous future.

For more information and updates, please visit the official PVPMC website: https://www.solarbe.com/special/pvpmc/index2023.html.

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