According to statistics from Germany’s Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur), in October 2024, the country’s newly registered solar PV installed capacity was 1.363GW, an increase of more than 16% month-on-month, but a decrease of more than 9% year-on-year; From January to October, Germany added 13.13GW of PV installed capacity.

Of the new capacity added in October this year, 530.2MW (including rooftop PV) was added under the EEG program, 425.8MW of ground PV projects were added under the EEG Tender program, and an additional 343.4MW of unsubsidized ground projects were added.
EEG is Germany’s flagship renewable energy support scheme, under which the government provides a guaranteed feed-in tariff for electricity from renewable sources fed into the grid.
In addition, Germany added 161MW of onshore wind capacity in October and 4MW of biomass capacity.
By the end of October 2024, Germany’s cumulative installed solar PV capacity reached 96.1GW, just 4GW short of the 100GW milestone.