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German Solar PV Bid Prices Hit New Low

Recently, Germany’s Federal Network Agency announced the results of the latest ground-mounted PV tender. In this tender, the bid prices ranged from 0.0388 euros/kWh to 0.0495 euros/kWh, with a weighted average price of 0.0476 euros/kWh, marking the lowest record since February 2019.

It is reported that a total of 524 bids were received for this tender, with a total capacity of 4,708 MW, resulting in a two-fold oversubscription. Compared with the previous tender, the average bid price decreased from 0.0505 euros/kWh to 0.0476 euros/kWh, a drop of about 6%.

The Federal Network Agency stated that the rapid development of the PV market and cost reductions have provided strong support for Germany to achieve its energy transition and emission reduction targets. The announcement of this tender result once again demonstrates the attractiveness and competitiveness of the German PV market.

The phenomenon of oversubscription and intense price competition in the German PV market is not short-lived. Similar oversubscriptions have occurred multiple times in previous tenders. Behind this phenomenon is a microcosm of the current imbalance between supply and demand in the global PV industry.

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