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France’s Recom unveils n-type module with 23.6% efficiency

French module manufacturer RECOM Technologies has announced the launch of its new Black Tiger PV Module Series. This n-type cell technology-based module boasts an impressive efficiency rating of 23.6%, making it the world’s first module of its kind to achieve such high levels of efficiency.

RECOM Black Tiger I. Image: Recom Technologies

The Black Tiger module is available in power outputs ranging from 430Wp to 610Wp, suitable for both residential and commercial applications. The BackContact rear connection method eliminates front grid shadow loss, resulting in maximized total cell area and higher efficiency. The design also eliminates module grid lines, providing a sleek, pure black appearance, said Recom.

In addition to its technical features, the Black Tiger module delivers +13.4% increase in full life-cycle power generation compared to traditional p-type modules. It also offers over 5% reduction in Balance of System (BOS) requirements, translating into cost savings on cables and mounting systems.

Flexibility is another key feature of the Black Tiger module, as it is available in monofacial, bifacial single glass, and bifacial double glass options. The module provides a 25-year product warranty and a 30-year linear power output guarantee not less than 88.85% of the nominal output power.

Apart from its technical specifications, the Black Tiger module is designed with “captivating aesthetics” and seamlessly integrates into any installation, adding a touch of elegance to surroundings, said Recom. The advanced design and engineering result in enhanced durability, making it highly resistant to various environmental conditions and ensuring long-term reliability.

The Black Tiger module is certified to IEC61215, IEC61730, ISO 9001:2005, ISO 14001:2015, and Conformity to CE, PV CYCLE, Fire safety Class C according to UL790 certifications.

RECOM is a France based renewable energy company that produces modules, cells, inverters, hybrid storage systems, batteries and EV chargers.

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