Anniversary Edition of the Conference
The European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC) proudly announces its 40th anniversary as the premier global platform for showcasing advancements in photovoltaics. The conference will take place from 18 – 22 September 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal, bringing together industry leaders, researchers, policymakers, and experts from around the world.

Over the past four decades, the EU PVSEC has played a pivotal role in promoting the development and deployment of photovoltaic technologies, fostering collaboration, and driving innovation in the renewable energy sector. This milestone anniversary highlights the conference’s enduring commitment to advancing the field of photovoltaics and accelerating the transition to a sustainable energy future.
Inspiring Plenary Sessions
The 2023 edition of the EU PVSEC promises to be the most comprehensive and engaging conference to date, featuring a wide range of topics and themes related to photovoltaics and solar energy. PV Experts can look forward to an extensive scientific programme and Parallel Events, a dynamic Exhibition, an engaging Industry Summit and countless networking opportunities. Customarily, a series of inspiring plenary sessions will take place throughout the conference week.
On Monday, the focus will be on “Sustainable Photovoltaics” as experts explore recent advances in photovoltaic technologies and examine the impact of large-scale manufacturing on PV costs and environmental factors.
Wednesday’s session, titled “Multiple Aspects of PV Rollout,” will cover a broad range of topics related to the widespread adoption of photovoltaics and the increasing PV deployment around the globe. Additionally, participants can expect an in-depth exploration of “Developments in Single and Multijunction Devices: Wafer and Thin Film Technologies,” which will take place on Wednesday as well. This session will highlight the latest innovations and breakthroughs in solar cell
technologies, specifically focusing on wafer-based and thin film-based devices.
Lastly, on Friday, the plenary session titled “Enabling Multi Terawatt PV
Deployment: Technical and Social Dimensions” will address the technical and societal challenges associated with achieving the goal of multi terawatt-scale deployment of photovoltaics.
Thought-provoking Panel Discussions
As has become a conference tradition, the scientific programme offers again three thought-provoking and audience-engaging panel discussions with top experts on some of the most current topics of great interest.
On Tuesday, the acceptance and engagement of societal stakeholders towards PV will be addressed in a session titled “Unlocking the PV Potential”, while on Wednesday the session “PV Manufacturing ecosystem in Europe” will in turn analyse and discuss what is needed to make the European solar industry renaissance a reality.
On Thursday, the panel discussion “Securing a diverse and resilient supply chain” will tackle the issue on how the PV supply chain should look like to ensure the dramatic increase of raw materials, production and PV Manufacturing capacities that will be needed in a very short time if we want to achieve a decarbonised energy system in the next decades.
PV Academy 2023
The PV Academy is a new educational format which gives a deep insight into specific PV research and industry topics. The programme of the second edition will feature 3 inspiring sessions covering the current developments in PV technologies. As last year, the sessions will be recorded in high quality and will be available on the new platform for PV knowledge exchange which is continuously growing. More information can be found at
Background EU PVSEC
The EU PVSEC is the world’s leading forum for PV Research and Development and the biggest Conference on PV Solar Energy. With a history of over 40 years, EU PVSEC is the longest running, renowned PV conference in the world.
The scientific programme is coordinated by the European Commission Joint Research Centre.