China’s Ministry of Commerce expresses strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to the U.S. Trade Representative’s final decision on Section 301 tariffs, which the country will significantly increases tariffs on certain Chinese goods.

According to a statement by the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office, on September 13, the Biden administration announced its decision to increase tariffs on certain China-made products.
The U.S. Trade Representative stated that, starting September 27, tariffs on China-made electric vehicles will be raised to 100%, solar cells to 50%, and electric vehicle batteries, critical minerals, steel, aluminum, masks, and shore-side container cranes to 25%. Tariffs on other products, including semiconductor chips, will take effect within the next two years.
China has repeatedly lodged solemn representations with the U.S. on the 301 tariff issue. The World Trade Organization (WTO) has long ruled that the 301 tariffs violate WTO rules. Instead of rectifying this, the U.S. has further raised tariffs on Chinese goods, compounding its mistake. The 301 tariff measures are typical unilateral and protectionist actions that severely disrupt international trade order and the security and stability of global supply chains. They have not resolved the U.S. trade deficit or industrial competitiveness issues but have instead raised the prices of imported goods in the U.S., with American businesses and consumers ultimately bearing the cost. China’s recently published report on the “U.S. Compliance with WTO Obligations” identifies the U.S. as a “global supply chain disruptor” and reiterates its serious concerns about the misuse of Section 301.
Previously, the U.S. Trade Representative sought public comments on the tariff review, with most respondents opposing the increased tariffs or calling for expanded exemptions, indicating widespread discontent with the U.S. Section 301 tariffs on China. The U.S. should immediately correct its mistake and remove all additional tariffs on Chinese goods. China will take necessary measures to firmly protect the interests of Chinese enterprises.