1.2 C

PVPMC China 2021 Call For Paper

The 16th PV Performance Modeling and Monitoring Workshop (PVPMC) is coming back to China!

The PVPMC was founded by Sandia National Laboratories in 2010 to improve the technical quality of PV performance modeling and analysis. It has sponsored ten workshops and is excited to announce that the 16th PVPMC Workshop will be in coastal city Weihai (tentative), China and will be co-sponsored by the Solar Energy Research Institute of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Fraunhofer ISE, and Sandia National Laboratories.

The channel for registration and submission of papers is open now until Nov. 30, 2021.

Click on the link below, or scan the QR code on the poster to sign up.


For more information, please go to:


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