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Longi collaborates with Sinopec in building 147 distributed solar gas stations

Chinese solar company Longi Solar recently has completed the solar photovoltaic installation on a gas station and a shed of state-owned enterprise China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec), which are drop in the bucket of Longi’s 147 projects cooperated with Sinopec.

The cooperation between the traditional energy giant and new energy bellwether was deemed as a manifestation of China’s transformation towards carbon neutrality.

Xi’an Taiyuan Road gas station distributive project of Sinopec

The gas station distributive project of Sinopec, located in Taiyuan Road, Xi’an City, adopted building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) scheme, and equipped with Longi’s BIPV product LONGi Roof. The first year’s power generation will reach 64,900 kWh, with 25-year cumulative power generation of 1.54 million kWh, which can meet almost half of the daily power demand of the gas station. Meanwhile it can save 481.47 tons of standard coal and 1,509.52 tons of carbon dioxide emission.

As of December 2021, Sinopec and Longi have signed 147 gas station photovoltaic projects, which are widely distributed in Shaanxi, Hubei, Anhui, Gansu and Guangdong. It is estimated that the overall average annual power generation is about 5.256 million kWh, with a total power generation of 131 million kWh in 25 years, which can save 41,800 tons of standard coal and 131,000 tons of carbon dioxide.

With the in-depth promotion of China’s carbon neutrality cause, state-owned enterprises such as Sinopec, China National Petroleum Corporatio (CNPC) and Beijing Energy Holding Co., Ltd. have actively embarked on energy transformation and participated in the construction of distributed photovoltaic. Sinopec has planned to build 7,000 photovoltaic power stations during the 14th Five Year Plan period.

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