6.9 C

Junda claims 25% efficiency on commercial TOPCon solar cells

Junda Shares said the company has realized the mass production of n-type TOPCON solar cells with a conversion efficiency of 25%.

Junda claims 25% efficiency on commercial TOPCon solar cells

The company said its 8 GW factory to produce TOPCon solar cells has been put into operation in the third quarter of 2022. The yield is on par with that of PERC cells.

It plans to work on further reducing the costs and improving the efficiency of TOPCon solar cells, while increasing the company’s investment in advanced technologies.

“The solar cell industry is transitioning from p-type to n-type, so a higher demand for n-type cells has been witness in the market. However, it will take a few years for n-type to replace p-type as the former has higher requirements for technology and investments,” said Junda in an interview.

The company has signed long-term orders that could cover 80% of its production capacity.

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