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Trina Solar Launching 430W Vertex S Residential Rooftop Modules at Energy Next


Trina Solar Australia, Australia’s most renowned brand of solar modules will launch its award-winning Vertex S residential rooftop module at the Energy Next exhibition (19-20 July in Sydney). Todd Li, president, Trina Solar Asia Pacific, stated that “we are exhibiting our latest products at Energy Next in Sydney because we want to demonstrate support for Australia’s sun industry. We look forward to meeting our customers, industry partners and stakeholders at this show.”

Recently, the Vertex S series was awarded the Red Dot Design Award. This is the highest international award for product design. The Vertex S series was chosen from nearly 10,000 entries in more than 60 different countries because of its innovative design concept and exceptional user experience.

The single module power of the Vertex S modules upgrade has been increased up to 30W. This was achieved through the innovative module design and the use of the latest 210mm rectangular silicon wafer technology.

Trina Solar will be exhibiting three types of residential rooftop VertexS series solar modules at the exhibition stand F127. They include Vertex S with back-sheet and black-frame, Vertex S all-black and Vertex S+.

Vertex S is a high-performance, affordable module with a black frame and back-sheet.

Vertex S all black module is visually stunning. Vertex S all black is visually appealing because of its black color cells and ultra-fine busbars.

Vertex S+, a premium, n-type, double-glass module that is also suitable for very hot and dry conditions, comes with a 25-year extended product warranty.

Australian households now have an average system size of more than 8kW, while in the past, households had a system size of 6.6kW. This is because it maximizes the government rebates through the small-scale technology certificate (STC).

“Households are shifting towards larger systems sizes. Some households will need more energy than a 6.6kW system.” Todd says that households require more energy to heat and cool, as well as for electric vehicle charging. “With electricity becoming more expensive, households want to reduce their dependence on grid power. This is the priority of many Australian households, rather than maximizing rebates under the STC scheme.” he adds.

Vertex S residential rooftop modules have high power and efficiency, which significantly lowers the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE). It also provides high reliability. The Vertex S range of residential rooftop modules can be installed on rooftops up to 5-7% more efficiently. Todd states that the Vertex S range has a module power of 415W. This is the optimal output to achieve a 6.6kW system. He says that households can get maximum power of 430W per module if they want a higher output.

“Trina Solar celebrates its 25th year anniversary in this year. We are one of the oldest companies in the solar industry. Australia’s most popular solar module brand. Our market-leading position was strengthened by the launch of the Vertex S range modules”. Todd says that it demonstrates our ongoing commitment to technological innovation in order to provide more value for our customers and partners in Australia.

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