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China promotes rooftop projects in 25 provinces with a total scale of nearly 200 GW

China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) has attempted to move the dial on small scale PV in the nation since June 20 by asking its provincial offices to nominate counties where a trial program to push blanket rooftop solar can be carried out, and the work has been carried out in full swing.

According to the statistics of NEA, up to now, nearly 500 pilot counties in 25 provinces have been reported in the country, with the total development scale of nearly 200 GW.

So far, 143 cities, districts and counties have finalized distributed photovoltaic developers, involving more than 45 enterprises.

Among them, State Power Investment Corporation Limited (SPIC) took the lead and claimed 39 places independently or in cooperation with its subsidiaries, followed by the State Grid and China Energy, with 19 and 18 cities, districts and counties respectively. In addition, it also includes central enterprises such as Datang, China Huaneng, China Huadian Corporation, CGN, China Three Gorges Corporation, China Resources Power and China National Nuclear Corporation, state-owned enterprises such as Zhejiang Communications Investment Group, and private enterprises such as Chint, GCL-SI, Jolywood, JinkoSolar, and ChinaLand, etc.

Previously, NEA has made it clear that the submitted pilot scheme will not be reviewed or approved, and all localities shall organize and implement the plan on their own. Up to now, projects in Zhejiang, Gansu, Hubei and Shandong provinces have been carried out by developers include Chint, Jiayu Solar Energy Technology Co., Ltd., ChinaLand an

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